Cùra Earth Guardians
Shaping Tomorrow for Every Realm
Safeguarding Our Heritage and Nature
The environment is one of the most contentious issues in the world today. Every person on earth is affected by it and the changes that are taking place mean that everyone on earth is potentially threatened by it and yet, whilst awareness of the subject and the questions raised has grown in recent years and there are highly engaged activists on both sides of the debate, the majority of people feel that they are left out of shaping the future unless they join one of the extremes. This is the biggest issue in the long term for the planet and everyone needs to be involved.

Cùra Guardian is about caring for the earth, the planet, the natural world and its people. Cùra Earth Guardians are not members of a movement or an organisation, they are people who share the principles of not ignoring what they hear about the world and the challenges this brings, not denying what they have heard and seen and committing to doing what they can to assist.
Cùra Earth Guardians are identified by a choice to care and a promise to help. They also believe in the importance and value of a promise to share their knowledge and stories of the world, science and lore,
Are you a Cùra Earth Guardian? That’s not a question of an official list – it’s a question for you.

Jaguar, Panthera onca

Tawny Owl, Strix aluco

Humpback Whales, Megaptera novaeangliae

Dingo, Canis lupus dingo
Protect Earth’s Diverse Legacy
Cùra Earth Guardians
- Chandra
- Vasant Nath, Screenwriter and filmmaker, Mumbai, India
- Nuala Riddell-Morales, Carnaval del Pueblo
- Don Rowlands OAM, Ranger in Charge Munga-Thirri National Park Queensland Australia and Wangkangurru Elder

Illustrations – Chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes : Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus : King Cobra, Ophiophagus Hannah : Wandering Albatross, Diomedea exulans : Grey Wolf, Canis lupus

Friends of Cùra
Friends are some of the most important people to us and ‘Friends of Cùra’ are people who have supported, contributed to or taken a special interest in Cùra Guardian.
- Cllr Chris Ballance, Highland Council
- Lucy Beattie SNP
- Ariane Burgess, MSP
- Cllr Alasdair Christie, Highland Council, Species Champion – European Adder
- Cllr Jackie Hendry, Highland Council, Species Champion – Common Toad
- Deuel Hughes, Communications Officer, Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission
- Cllr Struan Mackie, Highland Council, Species Champion – Scottish Wildcat
- Cllr Bill Lobban, Highland Council, Species Champion – Mountain Hare and Pine Hoverfly
- Hana Shono, Chair of UNA Scotland (United Nations Association)
Cùra Earth Story Guardians
Organisations and groups who have made a special connection with Cùra Earth and Cùra Guardian stories and made them live.

- Aviemore Primary School, Highland Scotland
- Lochardil Primary School, Highland Scotland

Photographs and illustrations ©Nick Sidle, all rights reserved